I have felt and fought and forgotten all that does ensue, not necessarily at this time, in this place, or as this person. It's all part of my journey, to this here and now, to who I became and contributory factors in who I shall choose to be in my near and distant future.
(watch me unravel!)
Aspirations of an apathetic antagonist-aghast at the altruistic attitudes of the agreeable allies to all things amiable-Alas!
Brave and bold and beautiful before blasted blockades blight the belief of a bright-eyed believer-Buggeration!
Caught in catastrophes, clambering from chaos, climbing the cliffs from the connived convictions created to convince the crowds of a completely candid certainty. Corruptions course through the credence of the covetous converts-I crouch, crammed into my own crazy credos.
Damaged and damaging. Dangerous darkness drowns out desperate declarations of the dire decreptitude of my dreams. Decimation of delectable daydreams, dashed with downright derision. Diminished desire to demand due day-to-day decency. Denied!
Evasive endearments, eavesdropping on elation and eluding the edacity for effluence from egregious egotists, extracting, now, enfeebled emotions, exhausted enmity ebbs, expanding eternal expectations.
Fabled fallacious futures, fancied with fanatical fervour, fall flat from forceful fists and the facilitated fatal fission of feeling and failed fortunes. Flagrant fear fades, as factious forebodings flail forlorn and frail-Futility forgotten in the flat furrow of frustration.
Grieving through galling games of gratuitous gaucherie. Gleaning guilt from glacial glares and gestures. Growing more guarded. Gradually gathering to me the guise of the guileful.
Haphazardly hacking, half-heartedly at hurdles. Habitually harbouring hatred, holding hands with hysteria, whilst hoping and hankering for happiness. Humbly hapless in heartbroken, hopeless helplessness.
Idealized idiosyncratic ideals infiltrate ideas and idioms intended for the ignominious, the illiberal, the illiterate ignoramus. Illustrious imaginings implode inside as impeding, impertinence inhibits my impetus.
Jarring jibes, jaded jibber-jabber and jaundiced judgements. Joyless joie de vivre jeopardises this journey. This jihad jettisoned.
The kafkaesque kaleidoscope of kith and kin out of kilter. Knocked sideways by the kickback of the kinetic knowledge of karma.
Laboriously labouring through the labyrinth of lost, lackadaisical loathing. Languid leaps into love and lascivious liaisons. Leaving legitimate liberty languishing.
Machiavellian memories maraud my mind, making my maladroit machinations of moonlit flits, maligned by migrating misogynists, that manipulate and masticate my marred moods to the marrow.
Navigating the nefarious night. Neglecting neurotic nuances, nauseated by narrow-minded and nonsensical (k)now-it-alls, negating my notorious notions of new-age and nonsense-Never mind!
Oblivious to oblique observations of the objectionable objectors. Obligated to the obstacles to overcome and the obstructions to outrun. Observing out-dated options, overseen by the omnipotent, overbearing, obsessiveness of the 'one' that ordained obscenities. Onward in onerous onanism!
Preconceived preconceptions of potential, pummelled and purged. Private prayers of putative prospects pre-empted and parried by paragons of pusillanimity. Preordained to a perpetually purposeless presence. A persistent paradox!
The quintessential quest to quell the quicksand of questionable quiddity. To quantify this quixotic quandary in a quid pro quo with a quarrelsome quisling. Quittance quashed!
Relentless requests for reasons regarding my rambunctious rationale, my recondite ramblings. Retreating to the reclusiveness of my redemptive reasoning for recompense, re-evaluation and realisation of the reconnaissance of reality. Reinforcing the rejection of relevance and reverence.
Sedate in my sarcophagus of sardonic sarcasm, my sanctuary of sang-froid. My solace in a sat(y)rical state of schemers and scaramouches. Safe from the sceptics and schizophrenic schlemiels that scrutinize and scold with scrupulous sedulousness.
Tired of the tainted tableau of the taciturn tolerances, tarrying tantrums and tempers of tautologous teachings. Trailing the tangential tracts of tactful travail. Tyrannized by the two-dimensional, troublous trip that I'm traversing.
Ubiquitously, the upright usurp the unconventional and unbidden. Uttering uxoricide all in the name of the Upanishads. Urging the unyielding and unruly to upkeep the unwarranted uselessness of an urbane utopia. Undermining any unbigoted or unbiased uprisings from the unrefined and undesirable usually underground.
Vagrant vexations volley through vacuous vagueness. Valetudinary voicings of varying validity, vehement in their velocity. Venomous verbalisations of vileness and villainy. Vicious vilification ever vigilant.
Wasted words wail wanton wickedness, wishing weakness and wretched woes upon my weary withstanding. While I wait to win warranted worthiness.
X----mmmm? nope, just ain't gonna happen!
Youthful yearnings of yore yanked away and yielded to the yowling yob yoked to in yesteryear.
Zeal zonked. Zealotry zero. Zestfulness zapped.
The Bright Side, coming soon.
(and yes, there is bright and shiny within me..........................now!!)
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